Saturday, July 25, 2020

why do the people fear covid virus ?

     wow at how many people in this nation are  sheep and will follow unconstitutional mandates for the sake of comfort and convience  .
     speaking to all the people who fear the covid virus and are going along with wearing the face mask ..... allow me to ask this question  if you people really cared about humanity why are you more concerned over the effects of a manmade virus than the effects from the mask ?   the covid virus only targets a certain group but the facemask targets everyone .  not only that but wearing a facemask is dangerous to the health of people with allergies  limits air and breathing  etc , if you have a weak immune system wearing a mask will not stop the virus from getting to you .a facemask cannot stop the spread of anything , and all this putting on hand santizer everytime you touch something and cleaning every few minuets  is also nothing but a joke ,  i believe in keeping things clean but being to spotless will cause a person to become immune

    i tried to warn my family ten years ago about the things that are happening now in our nation , but they did not listen so because they did not listen we could not prepare ....  i only wear the mask when i go to grocery store  but i know theres coming a time i will not be allowed back in stores  , because i refuse to take any vaccine for a man made virus .

 all i can say is we  sure do live in a nation of sheep ,

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