Sunday, July 12, 2020

Why did Christians ignore the Law ?

      Christians blasphemed the law because the law means mans righteousness , but Christians forgot that though the law of our land  may mean mans righteousnsess ....but " the law" is founded upon and connected to biblical priniciples ...

 When Christians would hear " the law condemns all things of flesh " they would totally disregard law and dont want to learn it ...
 When Christians hear the word " law " they automatically identify it with politics whenever not all parts of law deals with political issues ...  if all parts of the law were " politics " only  then the law could not have a spiritual side to it but law does have a spiritual side because the constituiton is a living breathing document .... ....... i guess Christians never understood the fact that Persecution always comes in the form of politics   ... but guess what ? the spiritual side of the law i;e that reveals the very nature of the living God cannot be mocked nor can it be tempted ,  therefore  not all parts of law have to deal with political issues ...

......because true identity is not based on identity politics ,true identity is not a mind game , true identity is not found in an illusion .
   Christians water down the thought of law as being just mere rules and regulations but rules without conseqenses become only suggestions .. because the spiritual side of the laws of our land which are the constitution and the bills of rights ,  reveals the very nature of the most high God of israel .  do you think that the constitution  is just mere rules without consequences and just mere suggestions ????? hmmm ?  Get the the point now ?

for some odd reason Christians never seem to have the ability to connect  the dots  to things ,i pray they wake up to the seriousness of the reality were're living in ..
 why else would the most high God tell his children to obey the laws of the land unless it goes against his word ???God is not the author of confusion he would never tell his people to obey somethin they could not understand ... why would the bible warn to say that if we speak evil of the law we speak evil of our brother i;e another human being ? why would you have to have a pure love for the law to sincerely understand it ?  .... so lets talk  about the process of how a law becomes a law to a human being

  i.m going to try to explain to give a definition of what law means so maybe the Christians can understand what part of Gods laws they forgot and what parts they blasphemed , they allowed for our country to get in the mess that we are in today  because they were not able to rightly discern their uninalienable rights given by God....... because it is the law of our land that is now  seperating the sheep from the goats as our rights are being taken away from us by liberal communist devilworshippers  in our nation .

  first of all the definition to the word law is " mans righteousness "  ,  but  how does a law become a law to a man ?  did you know that mans righteousness simply means " human reasoning "  ?  the bible says there is a way that seems right unto a man but in the end is death  .. ok so mans way of reasoning can condemn himself but on the otherhand  mans way of reasoning ( with guidance and inspired by the leading of the holy spirit ) when mans will lines up with God's will  can lead to obedience to the law ( comes  through the process of his/ mans own way of reasoning ) is counted by God as being a mans own righteousness  unto himself ...

  qote by  pastor david wilkerson  ...

Our faith is not meant to get us out of a hard place or change our painful condition. Rather, it is meant to reveal God's faithfulness to us in the midst of our dire situation

 in order for a law to be written upon a mans heart it is written through a mans own conscience .. how else can a mans own conscience condemn him ?  how else can rules without consequences become mere suggestions ,  you see what i'm saying ?

  would you not agree that it is a very hard place when man realizes that his own righteousness is as filthy rags ????? when you go down the rabbit hole you will find that mans righteousness is as filthy rags .

  Because the Christians were willfully ignorant to the importance of how the law was holy and a blessing to them  they also refused to learn how " the devil " i;e Satan  took the law and perverted it  by giving it as a revelation to and occult Magician by the name of Aliester Crowley !!!!
  the Revelation given by Satan to the magician named Aliester Crowley  is called " the book of the law of man " . this is why Satan wants his followers to perform everything backwards i;e perform rituals backwards  ( all rituals performed backwards with intentions to learn secret knowledge become a form of addiction  . because the real secret is the reality that everything is all out in the open  makes sense doesnt it ?)  why is everything out in open because the law reaveals it ,  because this is how the law of mans righteousness becomes inverted and perverted ! performing rituals backwards measures a man against his own works . and the bible tells man to not measure himself nor compare himself to another .

  this is also the reason why the occult followers call themselves goats .

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